On January 1st, 2025, Hon. Minister of Energy Eng. Kumara Jayakody visited the Kolomna Installation to mark the beginning of the New Year. He was warmly welcomed by Chairman Mr. D J A S De S Rajakaruna, Managing Director Dr. Mayura Neththikumarage, Executive Director Mr. Hemantha Kumara, along with the employees of CPSTL.
In a subsequent meeting with employees, the Hon. Minister, Chairman, and Managing Director shared insights on the institution's future direction and the broader development goals for the country.
The event was also attended by officials from the Ministry of Energy, including the Hon. Minister’s private secretary.
The clean Sri Lanka national program was inaugurated here. Clean Sri Lanka project, aims to address a cleaner physical environment and a nationwide moral commitment to enhance ethical principles. Enhancement of the three pillars of sustainability; Economic, Social and Governance (EESG), have been identified as the framework to address the overarching objectives of this strategic plan with specific stakeholder goals, actions, time lines and outcomes.